Eicon Digwyddiadau

Gwyl Fach Y Fro

Archebu tocynnau
Eicon Lleoliad
Ynys y Barri a'r Barri


Gwyl Fach Y Fro

Date for your Diary.....

The Vale’s Welsh Arts and Cultural Festival - Gwyl Fach Y Fro, returns to Barry Island Prom and Gardens, on Saturday 17 May 2025.

Organised by Menter Bro Morgannwg, the day will feature: live music, street food and drinks, art and craft stalls and children’s workshops, all along the prom.

Keep an eye on social media for all the announcements and updates.


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Eicon Lleoliad

Lleoliad y Digwyddiad

NODER: Cynhyrchir y wybodaeth uchod gan ddata trydydd parti 
Gwyl Fach Y Fro
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