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Barry Town Council’s Halloween Which Craft

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Ynys y Barri a'r Barri


Barry Town Council’s Halloween Which Craft

Halloween Which Craft returns to King Square, Barry this October!

Barry Town Council’s Halloween event is returning once again, for the whole community to enjoy, on Thursday 31 October 2024.

The seasonal festival will take place on King Square, Central Park and at the Town Hall from 10am until 1pm, featuring fun activities for all ages to enjoy, including dance sessions, face stencils, crafts, workshops, Dr Bob’s Balloons and more.

Ni fydd ffi mynediad gyda nifer o'r gweithgareddau yn rhad ac am ddim neu'n fforddiadwy iawn.

Also joining the event, offering a fun workshop is Black Mountain Falconry. Birds of Prey will settle into Central Park, allowing you to book onto a session to hear stories, ask questions and take a few photos. Sessions will be free but booking is essential - book your space here.


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NODER: Cynhyrchir y wybodaeth uchod gan ddata trydydd parti 
Barry Town Council’s Halloween Which Craft
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