Eicon Digwyddiadau

'50 things to do before you're 11 ¾' at Dyffryn at Dyffryn Gardens

Archebu tocynnau
Eicon Lleoliad
Y Bont-faen a'r Fro Wledig


'50 things to do before you're 11 ¾' at Dyffryn at Dyffryn Gardens

Get the littles celebrating autumn throughout this lovely season with nature-based, staff-led activities every Sunday. There is no extra charge for these workshops (apart from for the s'mores event where you can purchase a s'mores kit for a small donation) but normal admission applies. Sessions will be running from 11am-3pm and you can drop in and out anytime you like while it's running. Sunday 6 October: Create some wild art - children will use nature to create their own outdoors masterpieces.
Sunday 13 October: Cook on a campfire - Children can cook their own s’mores on a campfire! (You'll be able to buy a s'mores pack from us.) Sunday 20 October: Create some wild art Sunday 3 November: Cook on a campfire. Sunday 10 November: Get to know a tree - There is so much more to a tree than just climbing it! Each tree has its own story to tell, the session leader will take you to one of Dyffryn's best ones and you can get to know it's story. Sunday 17 November: Cook on a campfire Sunday 24 November: Get to know a tree


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Eicon Lleoliad

Lleoliad y Digwyddiad

NODER: Cynhyrchir y wybodaeth uchod gan ddata trydydd parti 
'50 things to do before you're 11 ¾' at Dyffryn at Dyffryn Gardens
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